Thursday, December 14, 2006

Justice is sweet

Driving on the N1 in JHB as I do every day, I am sure I am not alone in getting totally incensed at minibus taxi's driving in the emergency lane. In order to keep out of the storm water drain, they ride very close to the line, and very fast. Sometimes giving you one hell of a fright wizzing past and almost taking your wing mirror off. Two of them did this yesterday as I was driving home, and I sat in my car doing 10km/h thinking where the hell is JMPD, these taxi's do this every fringen day. Only to come over the rise to a sight for sore eyes. BUSTED. I thought lets get this on record, and say well done (don't let it go to our head) JMPD.

Friday, December 01, 2006

The 'Make Africa Wealthy' campaign

Well I tell you Cherryflava is spot on - LINK - with this post on a very good local Blog. I support this in every way. It's the old saying "teach a man to fish".

Friday, October 20, 2006

Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

Kid hijacked: Mom held for hoax

Kid hijacked: Mom held for hoax - Well there I was on my way to the shop to grab some lunch for the family, and I here this news bulletin that a six year old girl has been hijacked, the news report went on to explain that the mother was driving when hijacked, she managed to get away but her daughter was left in the car as the hijackers fled. They even had the family on the broadcast, pleading for everyone to lookout for the car.

I must say, I thought they didn't sound too frantic. Upon arriving home I was going to tell my wife, but thought rather not seeing as we have a 3 month old daughter, this would only upset her.

I get to work this morning only to see this news post that the whole thing was a hoax, how can people do that? Well I am happy that I didn't perpetuate the lie and spread the news.

Gautrain Trees to be saved

Well here is a spot of good news for a Monday morning - Hundreds of trees destined to be chopped down to make way for the multi-billion rand Gautrain have been saved from the axe.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

In the traffic one morning

WTH. Seems like the problem with hijackers "posing" as police is quite a problem for this bunch.

Monday, July 03, 2006

CIA - The World Factbook

Very Interesting info, worth a look

New additions

This is the new addition to my family, Tamzin Jade is 4 weeks old, and I am totally in love with her.

This is Baxter a new addition for my Dad, he is 10 weeks old.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Advanced Guides: Unattended Windows 2000/XP Installations -

Every now and then there comes along a computer or server that needs Windows installed with a specific blend of drivers and settings. Running through one installation isn't too bad, but what if there are a dozen or even more computers to get through? It's times like this that having your own customized Windows installation can be a time saver, and life saver.

Advanced Guides: Unattended Windows 2000/XP Installations -

Slipstreaming Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Create Bootable CD -

Slipstreaming a Service Pack, is the process to integrate the Service Pack into the installation so that with every new installation the Operating System and Service Pack are installed at the same time.

Slipstreaming Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Create Bootable CD -

Top 10 most stressful professions; work stresses and colleague irritations

A new survey of over 3 000 people in the United Kingdom - conducted on behalf of online learning provider, SkillSoft - reveals which professions are the most stressful and what things lead people to feeling stressed at work. Link

Monday, April 24, 2006

Come on Mr President !!

When you read that we are just waiting for this bill to be passed, one must wonder what would the hold up be? The SNO is several years late, could this bill not have been ratified in the mean time. Surely this is something that could have been done as a blanket rule for all incumbent competition to Telkom.

It just seems to me that it's being made a whole lot more complicated than it needs to be, Why? Its probably all to do with who gets rich from us poor consumers.

Let the "Competition" begin

Cheaper telecoms on the way : Moneyweb

Friday, April 21, 2006

A SNO-ball's chance in hell

Lets hope that this happens, it will give the SNO the necessary quantity but low income they requier, to fund the more expensive outlays they need to make to counter Telkom.
A SNO-ball's chance in hell : Mail & Guardian Online

Monday, February 27, 2006

Linux for old computers

StoneLion on has a good article on putting Linux on that aging PC you might have collecting dust, he writes - "I took six distributions for a test run on an old machine, and also tried software that turns old hardware into a thin client. The bottom line: Linux is still quite suitable for older hardware. It might not turn your aging PC into a powerhouse, but it will extend its lifespan considerably" Link