Thursday, June 22, 2006

Advanced Guides: Unattended Windows 2000/XP Installations -

Every now and then there comes along a computer or server that needs Windows installed with a specific blend of drivers and settings. Running through one installation isn't too bad, but what if there are a dozen or even more computers to get through? It's times like this that having your own customized Windows installation can be a time saver, and life saver.

Advanced Guides: Unattended Windows 2000/XP Installations -

Slipstreaming Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Create Bootable CD -

Slipstreaming a Service Pack, is the process to integrate the Service Pack into the installation so that with every new installation the Operating System and Service Pack are installed at the same time.

Slipstreaming Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Create Bootable CD -

Top 10 most stressful professions; work stresses and colleague irritations

A new survey of over 3 000 people in the United Kingdom - conducted on behalf of online learning provider, SkillSoft - reveals which professions are the most stressful and what things lead people to feeling stressed at work. Link